Free Write: Memory Lane
11:30 PM
Let’s take a trip down memory lane. Remember my tiny studio
apartment? Cobalt blue walls with hand painted vines reaching toward the
ceiling. You laid me flat out on the firmness of my cheaply made Walmart futon
and covered my eyes with the Blackness of my silk scarf. Remember running ice
over my bare skin? Then syrup? Then your warm pink tongue? How did it feel to
taste the very best of heaven on your virgin taste buds?
Now let’s make a left on Nostalgia Avenue. All my love. My
peace and happiness. I want to give it to….. You. You sang in the shower and I
hummed along. Waiting for you to step out and reveal the greatness that dwelled
within you. Body glistening. Branded chocolate skin. You were glowing even
though the room was nearly dark. You made love to me on that cold bathroom
floor. I dug my fingers deep into that sun-kissed skin. Licked those Greek
Letters on your chiseled chest. Tasted the stories that you would forever keep
from me. Stories that turned into dark secrets. Secrets that ripped us apart.
But I can still taste the majesty of that burn. Still hearing you pledging that
allegiance in my small shower.
Make a right on Reminiscent Road. A long hallway. Blue stars
and men playing football. Plush couches and countless pictures of children that
weren’t yours. I danced for you as you sat in that brown chair. In my purple
dress. And my orange heels that you loved. We didn’t make love. You pleasured
my body so well no words I put on this page could do you justice. I ain’t never
felt nothing like that before. And I still haven’t to this very day.
Memories. Take me back to the places I want to visit repeatedly
but can no longer go. Carry me through the recesses of the deepest parts of my
mind and let me live there. Let me travel through those alleyways and side
streets to the destinations that are forbidden to me outside of my psyche.
I’m running out of gas.
Recollection Boulevard. And I’ve hit a dead end. Nowhere to
go from here. No longer able to remember the small details and the little
touches that once tied me to the things I desperately want to remember. Forced
to turn around and make my way back through the mish mosh of happenings and
occurrences. For some reason I cannot find my way through. I’m stuck on Memory
Lane. And left with all the things that live there. Pain. Anger. Regret. Hurt.
Love. Hope. Fear. Love. You. It’s all so foreign. But so pleasantly familiar. I
can make a home on Memory Lane. Live here forever.
But I won’t. This place, filled with all of the stickiness
and filth of emotions, is a place you visit. Not a place of permanence. It’s a
place I must come to when I need a vacation. But right now. In this perfect
piece of space and time, with this combination of this new you and this old I,
I think I have to leave Memory Lane and find a new place to call home.