Free Write: Dear November
12:17 AM
November. I can see you from where I am. Young. Eager. Ready to challenge a
system designed to make you work your ass off for an unachievable dream. Like
pedaling a bike as hard and as fast as you can and realizing that you’re
turning the wheels that will make someone else move forward. But still work
hard November. But there is no need to be the best. Greatness has no place in
this society. For the greatest achieve nothing but recognition and praises. Two
things that do not quell a starving belly or provide warmth when the cold
threatens to take you out. Be smart. Know how to play the game. For the greats
have to carry the things that the mediocre leave behind. And trust me November,
it is too great a burden to bear.
November, do
not rush and aspire toward Love. For what you are looking for is companionship
to ease the loneliness. You are looking for a feel good to negate the feel bads
that you are afflicted with every day. You are not looking for the commitment
from each and every man or woman you encounter. You are looking to feel wanted.
Desirable. Sexy. Coveted. You want someone to crave you as much as you do them.
You want to know that the most unattainable person in The Universe can show
some interest in you. And trust me. They will. But don’t you dare let them drag
you down to hell with them.
November. You do not need a degree from a place that seeks to chain you with
debt and restrictions to validate you. You are good enough already. You came
perfectly out of the womb. You were already valuable. Everything to make you
great already lives in you. It is up to you to sow the seeds and reap the
harvest. You are Greatness Personified.
November. You do not need that man. You never did. Any man that does not make
you feel higher than your best self is not for you. You are not his Savior. He
is not your Saint. It is okay to leave people broken. We cannot mend every
fragmented piece. For we cannot break ourselves in our selfless attempt to fix
others. It is okay to take back your sanity. You owe that man nothing but a
kiss on his forehead and genuine well wishes. Baby or not.
November. It is okay to chase Love. He is waiting for you to claim him. You
will spend your entire life not knowing it in its purest, kindest form. Running
from it. Proudly proclaiming that you don’t need it. But it will come for you.
And when it does, innocent and trusting, you will distort it beyond
recognition. You will beat it and punish it until it becomes ugly and
undesirable. And you will realize that it was you that made it this way.
November. It is okay to be you. The real you. The untouchable, unreachable you.
Discriminate on who you let in. Not everyone’s intentions are good. They are
not all worthy of your time.
you are not uppity for wanting something more for yourself. You are not anal
because you plan for a future as if it will come in the morning with the rising
sun. Because guess what? It will.
Dig deeper.
Save money to leave those who will need to survive after you have gone. Forgive
easily. Forget nothing. Live every day as if tomorrow will never come. Because
you know what November? One day tomorrow will be an entire lifetime away. My
dear November.