On: Hands Up, Don't Shoot
11:21 AM
And this is spot on. Mike Brown and Eric Garner represent so much more than Black Men being unjustly killed. They address racial profiling, police brutality, the fear of Black Men, and so many other things that cannot be fixed over night. Both men were made to look like criminals, as if this was a justification to take their lives. Mike Brown allegedly stole from a store. Eric Garner was allegedly selling loose cigarettes, a crime in NY. This does not make these two men guilty or make the cops innocent. It makes America scared of it's own people. The people the police are supposed to protect. Bill O'Reilly, who I usually cannot stand, even addresses this issue and states that "he [Eric Garner] was in no condition to absorb what befell him." Check out O'Reilly's reaction, his interview with Tavis Smiley, and some of the original Eric Garner footage here. Another friend of mine posted this great article of a KU Journalism student effectively dissecting the Michael Brown case and proving that there was enough evidence for the case to go to trial.
Keep marching. Keep rallying. Keep fighting. Keep going. They hear you. Obama is listening (although he cannot respond much). New York is listening. DC is listening. Chicago is listening. LA is listening. Missouri is listening. I am listening. They hear our cries. It's up to us to turn our weeping into productive, radical noise. Good Luck.