On: Quarter Life Crisis
2:01 PM
“You may be 25 but you feel 45. You expected to be having
the time of your life but all you do is stress about career aspects, scary
debts, and a rocky relationship.” – Get It Together: A Guide to Surviving Your
Quarter Life Crisis
“…you should be respecting yourself as you learn about
yourself.” Penelope Trunk, Blogger (blog.penelopetrunk.com)
“We don’t live in a world of reality, we live in a world of
perceptions.” Gerald J. Simmons
So many of my friends are turning twenty five and I can see
the panic all over their faces (and read it in their Facebook statuses). Twenty
five is supposed to be the age where you have finally finished doing all the
kid stuff like partying, drinking, and carelessly fraternizing with the
opposite sex, and you begin your official journey into adulthood. It is
expected that you have it all figured out and put into place before you turn,
GASP!!!, the big 3-0.
But the truth is, most of us are still at home with our
parents. We’re finishing school or trying to figure out how to juggle real life
and our dreams. We’re just trying to make sense of it all and see where we fit
in. We have no clue where we’re going or how to get there because at this
point, most of our plans have fallen apart. We see our friends getting engaged
and having babies while we sit on the couch eating ice cream trying to decide
when our life turned into baby showers, engagement/bachelorette parties, and
insurmountable student loan debt. It’s getting real people.
So here are just a few words of advice that I have for all
of the twenty something’s out there that feel like the world is slowly closing
in on them.
You don’t have to have it all figured out
Contrary to popular belief, most of us have no
clue where we are going in life anymore. We see all these people graduating and
we think, OH MY GOSH!! That person is going to be so successful in life, I’m
such a failure. Or it makes you feel like crap because you’re not doing
anything with the degree you’ve earned. Or heaven forbid, you never got a
college degree. Alert the media!! Truth is, most of us have no idea what it’s
really like in the “real” world outside of school, Facebook, and Twitter. We’re
still trying to figure it out. Share what you know with others. Ask those who
are where you want to be for advice. Take some deep breaths and know that you
don’t have to have your entire life planned out. We all know plans are subject
to change,
Being a wife/mother is not something you have to
rush into
This was a nice reality check for me. I thought
once I had a child, I have to become a wife AT THAT VERY MOMENT!!! But that’s
not so. The biggest complaint I hear from women my age is “I really thought I’d
be married with kids by now. Or at least have a boyfriend.” Who cares if you’re
single. Enjoy the time. Figure out yourself before you stumble into a
relationship and realize all the stuff you thought you liked you really don’t.
Bad relationships suck the life out of you. Trust me. I know. And kids? They’ll
kill you slowly if you’re not ready for them. Trust me. I know. Just wait.
Enjoy being able to sleep through the night and running errands without having
to tag a little person along. Did I mention enjoy sleeping?
“The One” aka Your Perfect Soul Mate Does Not
Disney has ruined us. We all look for the
perfect mate to sweep us off our feet and take us to some magical place in
heaven every time we see their face. It’s crap. Find someone that you love
waking up too AND you can deal with their quirks. I love that my boyfriend does
sweet little things for me when he knows I’m feeling down. I hate the fact that
he farts at the kitchen table. He tries to make all of my days good days
despite the fact that he can be overly annoying sometimes. But you know what,
his imperfections make him human. Stop trying to find Mr. or Mrs. Perfect and
find someone who just feels like Mr. or Mrs. Right. You’ll know when they come
Do Not Compare Yourself To Others – Most Of Your
Friends Are Going Through Some Pretty Messed Up Stuff Too
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is going to be
the death of self-esteem. We see people every day with seemingly perfect
bodies, perfect babies, great jobs, and all the jazz. And it makes us die a
little each time. But you know what, this is the life they want us to see, not
what their life is really like. Who knows what they’re really going through? Be
happy for their successes and move on. And if you’re really that envious, think
about it like this. If they can do it, so can you.
If You Don’t Like Something Change it. If you
can’t change it, learn to like it.
After I had my son, I had some serious body
issues. Like, badly. My boyfriend kept telling me, go to the gym if you don’t
like how you look. I wanted to kill him. But you know what, he was right. If I
don’t like the way I look, I should do something about it. So I did. I started
doing Insanity. Granted, I only got to the third day. But still, I did
something. It’s the same thing with life. If you can change something you don’t
like, change it. But if it’s something that you cannot change (like these
ungodly stretch marks on my stomach), then learn to live with it. It’s not the
end of the world. It’s just a learning curve.
If you can’t cook, learn.
This is not if you just plan to be a spouse one
day. You are going to need to eat. And contrary to popular belief, you are
going to get tired of eating fast/restaurant food (and it gets very expensive).
Learn to cook the basics that you like. I started with pasta and veggies. Not
only will you feel way more accomplished, but when you wake up at three in the
morning hungry, you won’t have to stress about what’s still open. Just remember
to have a budget for groceries. You can’t cook if you have no food to make.
Clean up sometimes. Your surroundings have a
huge impact on how you feel.
You are an adult. Clean up. Sheesh. Pick up your
dirty freaking socks off of the floor. Wash the dishes after dinner. Fold your
laundry so it’s easier to see your clothes when you’re trying to find something
to wear. See how much better you feel when you walk into a clean room/house. It
doesn’t have to be immaculate, just livable. Mommy and daddy are not going to
be there to clean up after you forever.
Call your parents. They still want to hear from
Our parents become second to our friends. And
then they become third underneath our spouse and our friends when we get into a
relationship. If you parents give a damn about you, imagine how they are
feeling when you really leave the house for good. Especially when they watch
the five o’clock news. They swear every murder story is about you. Call them.
Check on them. Tell them you love them. See what’s new in their lives. Older
people really have some gems to share. Just do it. Because sadly, they will not
be here forever.
Yourself and others. It sucks when your best friend
sleeps with your boyfriend. It sucks when you get fired and the boss’s son who
does absolutely nothing gets to keep his job. It sucks when you spend three
years in a relationship and it comes to an end. Forgive and move on. Not for
the other person, but for you as well. Grudges eat away at your insides. It’s
painful. Trust me. I know. You don’t ever have to talk to the person again. Just
forgive and move the hell on. The end.
Never alter your beliefs to fit society. Do you.
It’s hard living in the Bible Belt and
questioning whether God really exists. But you know what, sometimes you just
have to stick to your guns. Society will try to push things into your head. And
at this point in our lives we’re starting to form our true identities, apart
from what our families and friends may think and believe. It is up to you to
decide what you believe and what you think is crap. Stay true to you. Respect
other people’s beliefs. Listen to what they have to say. But always remember,
stay true to you.
Procrastination is the tool of the devil.
You do not have until tomorrow. You want to know
why? New stuff to do is going to come up tomorrow and you’re still going to be
stuck on the stuff from today. Do it now. Pay the bill now. Don’t wait until
the due date because you want to buy a new pair of shoes. Do it now. There is
always a sense of urgency. Nobody is going to wait around for you. You are not
that important. You’ll realize that once you stop putting stuff off, you’ll
have so much more down time.
Okay, that’s all that I have so far. If I come up with more
stuff, I’ll let you know. And if you have any more tips for us going through
the “quarter-life crisis”, feel free to comment below. Until next time…..