On: Cheating Double Standard
6:13 PM
**Disclaimer: I am not justifying cheating in the post. Cheating is dishonest and shows no respect for your partner or the person that you are cheating with. I am simply offering a point of view on the mind set of cheaters, not on the act itself.**
Double standards. I hate them. They get
under my skin so badly. I'm usually pretty chill about what I see online in
regards to relations between the sexes and what people do in their personal
lives. But something on Instagram made me stop today.
I came across the post above that was put
up by a family member of mine. I'm not sure where he got it from. But anywho,
the gist of it is that men can cheat and still love their significant other and
women cannot. Now, I'm a firm believer that if you are driven to cheat, chances
are there's something wrong in your relationship, whether it's affection, love,
communication, quality time, money, etc. Men and women cheat for various
reasons, but the reason one chooses to cheat has nothing to do with whether
they are man or a woman.
This post takes away the fact that women,
like men, can have casual sex with no feelings for the other person they are
being intimate with. These encounters also do not change or alter the way they
feel about the one they love. They're just looking for some fun, and quick
release, and then it's back to business as usual. This also takes away the fact
that men may actually feel something for the person that they are cheating
with. Who knows, maybe the man does actually love the "side chick".
This being said, most of the time, these encounters rarely change the way the
cheater feels about their partner. A lack of communication does not make you
stop loving someone. Your partner never being home does not take away the fact
that you want to be with them. It's like saying if you like apples and you
decide to have oranges sometimes, you have to hate apples and never eat them
again. Sometimes you just want something different. It's human nature. Why do
we eat at different restaurants? Why do we try different drinks or wear our
hair in different ways. We just want something different. And this goes for men
and women.
Simply put: a girl can enjoy the intimacy
of another man and still love her partner. Women are not these simple minded
creatures that can only feel one emotion at a time. I think this goes back to the societal double
standard that women are not capable of the same emotions and reasoning as men.
Men act and
react using their heads while women act impulsively using their hearts. Keep
thinking that. With this new age generation, these men are in for a very rude
awakening. Women are finally letting out all of their dirty little secrets. We
cheat. We lie. We manipulate. We cry on cue so that you feel like an asshole.
We keep a backup guy on the side just in case you start acting up. It's a shock
to the male dominated system. Your sisters, daughters, and housewives are not
so submissive anymore. But the truth is, we never were. Sometimes you have to
let the man think he's in control in order to get your way. Too bad you guys
are having a hard time dealing with the naked truth. It's a hard pill to
swallow. Just remember, it may be the King in the spotlight but it's the Queen
who runs the show. Until next time......