On: Police Brutality

7:43 PM

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So I'm not one for politics or media frenzies. I'm a firm believer that the media has an agenda. They want to scare you. It's no coincidence that most stories on the news have to deal with rape, murder, scandal, dirty politicians, and the weather. Some news stations decide to throw in a good story every once in a while to make you feel like there is still some good in the world. People pick and choose what news stories to follow and which ones to leave alone. And they are usually influenced by the big dogs in Congress or the powerful people with all the money. Don't fall into it. And don't believe everything that you see on TV. Make it a point to learn how to dig through the bullshit and get to the truth. It will help you out in so many situations you will ultimately face.

Anyway, to tell you the truth, I had no idea about the recent frenzy about police brutality until I was scrolling through Instagram last week. Then I heard about it again on the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Then I heard about it when I was checking the weather before work. But what really made me pay attention was when I heard about it at my job. Being that I work with women and we're usually so concerned with telling each other about our boyfriends and talking about the latest episodes in the world of reality TV, I couldn't help but take notice when some of the Ladies at my job were talking about current events. 

I already knew about Eric Garner. I'm from New York and my Facebook Newsfeed was flooded with videos of and about him. But I had no hope that the case would go anywhere. I assumed that it would just be another widow made. More fatherless children. Another body on the cold NY street at the hands of our boys in blue. It may sound harsh, but it's the truth. We are kind of conditioned as a People not to hope for justice because we often hope in vain. I'm tired of thinking that the world has made a drastic change. It hasn't. Racism and inequality have just evolved and become more sophisticated. Jim Crow has become James Crawford, Jr. Uncle Charlie has become Charles H. Brown, III. White supremacy has traded in their ropes and sheets for business suits and legislation. You think I'm being radical? Look deeper.

So, that was the state of mind I was in already. Still not paying anything any mind. Until I heard about Michael Brown. Although his story is sad, it is not atypical. However, what made me really start looking into this was the reaction of Black people. I mean Black American is ANGRY! And not just Al Sharpton either. Like, real Black America. Teachers. Receptionists. Cooks. Not the educated sector of our community, but everyone. In the grocery store, at the gas station, at the car wash, they were all talking about Michael Brown and how something needs to be done. People are volunteering. They're asking how they can help. They're looking for ways that they can make a difference. And they're trying to get their voices heard.

Now I'm paying attention. Now I see all the pictures and signs listing the names of all of those who have suffered at the hands of law enforcement. I vividly remember Sean Bell. I cried when I read his story. Because it was written so nonchalantly. Like, oh well, Black Man got killed because he looked threatening. That's okay. Whatever. But REALLY? He was about to start a life with a woman he loved. He left behind babies. It hurt me because, like all these other young men, that could have been my father. It could have been my fiance. It could have been my son. It could have been me. Yes, something was done. Only because of the press that surrounded his murder. But that doesn't bring this man back to his family. It doesn't fill the void in their hearts. My favorite quote that has surfaced during all this mess is "Black Lives Matter". Yes. They do. And we have to make it clear how much they matter and that we will not tolerate them being disregarded or devalued anymore. Hmmph.

Now I hope this isn't just a passing phase. Something like Trayvon Martin. We all rallied around him and his family, but once George Zimmerman was acquitted, we all fell back into our routines and continued to be consumed by our own lives. There was nothing to rally around anymore. There was a lack of leadership. No one knew where to channel or direct their anger so we did what we do best in times of crisis. Nothing. Everything just fizzled down and died out. Same thing with the Jena 6. Do you know what happened to them? Do you think the outcome would have been the same had we not rallied around those young people? Think about it. Let's make change happen this time. Let's use this as a platform to finally take some steps forward. Steps that haven't been taken since the 1960's. 

I really do want something more this time. It's why I've gone out of my way to make sure I share events that may be happening in my community regarding police brutality. It's why I respect all those who participated in the National Moment of Silence. It's why I'm hoping a leader will emerge, selfless and strong, to channel Black anger and voice our concerns clearly. A real leader. I have no respect for Al Sharpton. He's a clown. He's supposed to be the leader and voice of Black America but he can't even embrace his natural hair. He better go on with his foolishness. I don't have time for him.

I'll wait on a real Black Leader. I'm patient. It will happen. I know that I could be a leader, any one of us could. But I'm not going to tell any stories or sugar coat anything. I'm a big coward. I like to be in the crowd most of the time, not leading it. I don't want to be a target. I do not plan to be a martyr. Most of us feel the same way. We don't want to be the one putting everything on the line for the good of a People who can't even help themselves most of the time. I get it. And I'm not ashamed to say I'm just plain scared to be in the spotlight.

But for you out there that feels the fire burning. This is your chance. Grab the bull by the horns and ride. Ride this until the wheels fall off. And don't just do it for Black People. Do it for all people who are stifled and intimidated by uniformed cops and men of all colors hiding behind business suits and locked doors. Do it for us so burdened by student loan debt that we can't even begin to start our adult lives. Do it for those of us working two jobs and still struggling to make ends meet. Do it for us burying our husbands, parents, children and friends because of police brutality. You can do it. I know you can. It will all be so worth it. I promise.
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