Free Write: Nothing at All
12:26 AM
My favorite moments with you are when we say nothing at all.
The moments when your toes touch mine underneath the purple covers as we read
our books on different subjects taking us to different worlds. No noise in the
background. Just the sound of turning pages and slow, relaxed breathing.
I love the moments we share enclosed within those four automobile
doors, saying nothing at all. Listening to the notes that escape out of your
overpriced speakers. No noise needed. The sound of the engine going. The sound
of the road beneath us. The sound of love dancing between our hearts.
I especially love the moments when it hits me. The bad days.
The crippling days. The dark days that come without warning. That is when I
love you the most. When you stare into my face, read the sadness in my eyes,
and plant kisses along the same path where the tears fell. Those are the
moments when I need you most. When you grab me and fall to the floor, holding
me the entire way down. You don’t understand how much that means to me. How you
help me out of hell with your silence. How you make me feel so loved. So safe.
So secure. And you say nothing at all.
It’s not when you ask how my day was when you see the stress
resting on my brow. It’s not when you surprise me with trinkets or flowers at
work, making all the girls envious. It’s not when we dine at my favorite
restaurant or even when you solve the riddle of my orgasm while we make love.
I love you the most in the moments when you say nothing at
all. In those moments when your lips do no talking and you let your hands do
the explaining. In those moments when the quietness of the room is filled with
all the things you want to say. All the things I need to hear.
My God. How I love you. How I love the deafening silence.
How I love your ability to decipher when to speak and when to bow. When to bark
and when to kneel. When to roar and when to lay. You just know. This is the
reason why, of everyone, you are the chosen. Because you understand that I
understand you best, I hear you loudest, when you say nothing at all.